Sunday, January 10, 2021


                                                           SUSTAİNABLE ARCHİTECTURAL


         What is sustainability?

 Sustainability, by definition, is the ability to make the life of humanity permanent while ensuring the continuity of production and diversity. In other words, sustainability is the ability to meet our own needs without compromising the needs of future generations.                            

Click here for detailed information 

What is sustainable architecture?

The book introduction of sustainable architecture is as follows.
Sustainable architecture is the relationship of buildings to their environment and people. The aim of sustainable architecture is to produce buildings with minimum energy consumption and minimal damage to the environment. One of the most important features of sustainable architecture is that it prioritizes renewable energy sources and uses the energy in its area effectively. Sustainable architecture is architecture that aims to minimize the environmental impacts of buildings in the use of materials, energy, development area and ecosystem in general. Sustainable architecture uses a conscious approach to energy and ecological conservation in the design of the built environment.
Simply put, sustainable architecture is people building buildings with minimal damage to the world.

There are some issues to be considered in sustainable architecture, we can list these issues as follows.
1-Heating, ventilation and cooling system efficiency
     To achieve this efficiency, the distance between the buildings and the height of them are considered. The size of the windows at this efficiency is quite high.

2-Renewable energy generation
     Renewable energy production means that the energy we spend is met from a clean energy.We can give examples of clean energies such as sun, air, water etc.
    Solar panels; It enables us to leave a clean world to future generations by transforming the sun's rays into electrical energy.
Wind Turbines; By using wind energy, that is, it converts motion energy into electrical energy. It provides a clean future for our environment and our world.

  Author Thoughts

In today's world, we rapidly consume our resources and continue to pollute the world.We must give up these damages, which are difficult to reverse, as soon as possible. We should act with the understanding of the clean world of architects and engineers and produce works and works accordingly.
This is very important for our children and grandchildren. We should continue on our way with the motto `` Clean World will be beautiful ''

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